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Study Protocol Article
What is this article about?
In this article we have explained the questions we are looking at in this research study and why they are important. We explain why we are trying to understand if and how the High-Speed Rail 2 development (HS2), a large national transport project, might affect the mental health and wellbeing of people who live near the railway line. And explore whether this changes over time.
We also explain how we plan to try to answer these questions by collecting information from people who do and who do not live near the HS2 route. We explain that we will do this by:
- sending people a survey asking questions about their physical and mental health and wellbeing, including things that may affect this like having a job or good relationships with friends and family;
- group discussions and one-to-one conversations with people who live in areas close to the HS2 route about if and how HS2 has affected them and their community;
- looking at anonymous information that GP practices provide to the government about the health and wellbeing of their patients.
Why is this article important?
This article provides a record of how we plan to do this research at the beginning of the study, and why we plan to do it this way. Publishing this plan allows other researchers to find out about what we are doing, which might be useful for them when they plan their own studies or if they want to check what we are doing. We will keep a record of how we have done our research in practice and compare it to what we said we would do in this article – we will explain any changes we make to our plan along the way.
Overall, this helps to make sure that our research is reproducible (which means that other researchers can follow our plan to see if they get the same results) and transparent (which means that we have been open and clear about what we plan to do as part of this study from its beginning). These are important parts of doing good quality, independent research.
Read the article here…
Morley KI, Hocking L, Saunders CL, Bousfield JW, Bostock J, Brimicombe J, et al. (2024) Wellbeing Impact Study of High-Speed 2 (WISH2): Protocol for a mixed-methods examination of the impact of major transport infrastructure development on mental health and wellbeing. PLoS ONE 19(2): e0298701.